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Sometimes the best exercise is the one you’re not doing. But why are such great strength and conditioning moves not part of your regimen? Probably for one of two reasons: 1) You don’t know they exist or 2) They’re so challenging that you’d rather skip them and do something easier. But you’re not looking for the easy way out, right?

The following nine exercises are ones we think every physique-conscious guy should add to their arsenal. We’ll not only go over how to do them, but also why you should be doing these moves. Whether you’re looking for a way to amp up your strength or chisel away at one of your problem areas we’ve got you covered.

Some are moves you’ve heard of but never wanted to try, while others are so unique we bet they’ve never even crossed your mind. Some are harder than your normal workout go-tos and will test your strength and resolve. But there’s one thing they all have in common— they’re all absolutely worth it. It’s about time you changed things up and added these moves to your repertoire.

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