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Braingle’s Daily Trivia Quiz for Nov 19, 2020

An Other Quiz : Certain numbers in Chinese culture can be considered lucky, while others are thought to be unlucky. These judgments are usually based on the Chinese word the number sounds most similar to. Will you be lucky in this quiz?

1. The number 1 can signify unity.
2. What Cantonese saying indicates that the number 2 is a good number?
3. The number 3 is considered lucky because it sounds similar to the Cantonese word for “sky”.
4. The number 4 is generally considered an unlucky number. Why?
5. The number 5 is affiliated with the five elements, therefore, is historically linked with the Emperor of China. What is one of the five elements?
6. The number 6 is considered good for business because it is similarly pronounced to the word…
7. The number 7 signifies “togetherness” and is considered lucky for relationships. It’s also one of the rare numbers that is auspicious in both Chinese and Western cultures.
8. The number 8 is not considered lucky at all. It is the second unluckiest number in Chinese culture because it sounds similar to the word that means “rat”.
9. Why is the number 9 historically connected with the Emperor of China?
10. The number 14 is considered one of the unluckiest numbers, because, when said, it sounds like the phrase “want to die”.

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