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Braingle’s Daily Trivia Quiz for Feb 28, 2023

A Hobbies > Games Quiz : What game am I?

1. I was played in many gym classes. The goal is to be the last person or team standing at the end of the game. Be careful you don’t get hit by a ball. What game am I?
2. I’m played when a child hops over a squatting child’s back. What game am I?
3. Grab a friend or two, a piece of chalk, a stone, and have fun on the sidewalk or schoolyard. What game am I?
4. I involve your hands and a long piece of string or yarn. What game am I?
5. It takes two teams to play me. One team stands in a straight line and holds hands to make a chain, while the other team tries to break through one by one. What game am I?
6. To play me, one child is “it” and has to chase the other children around. Remember, if you get caught you are now “it”. What game am I?
7. I have a total of 11 pieces. To play, you throw 10 of the pieces onto a hard, flat surface. The eleventh piece is used to help pick up the others starting with “onesies”. What game am I?
8. It takes at least two people to play me. I can be played inside or outside. “Ready or not, here I come”. What game am I?
9. I have been played at many birthday parties. Round and round you go, when the music stops make sure you are not the last one standing. What game am I?
10. I am played while swimming in water. I’m named after a famous explorer. Try not to get caught or you may become “it”. What game am I?

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