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Trivia Quiz: Song: “Under the Boardwalk”

Braingle’s Daily Trivia Quiz for Mar 15, 2023

A Music Quiz : Originally released in 1964 by The Drifters, “Under the Boardwalk” has been recorded many times since. The Beach Boys, Bette Midler, The Rolling Stones, and John Mellencamp have all recorded this song.

1. Complete the lyrics: “Oh, when the sun beats down and melts the tar ________.”
2. Complete the lyrics: “And your shoes get so hot you wish your tired feet were ________.”
3. Complete the lyrics: “Under the boardwalk, ________.”
4. Complete the lyrics: “On a blanket with my baby ________.”
5. Complete the lyrics: “From the park you hear the happy sounds from ________.”
6. Complete the lyrics: “You can almost taste the hot dogs and french fries ________.”
7. Complete the lyrics: “Under the boardwalk, ________.”
8. Complete the lyrics: “Under the boardwalk, we’ll be ________.”
9. Complete the lyrics: “Under the boardwalk, people ________.”
10. Complete the lyrics: “Under the boardwalk we’ll be ________.”

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