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Video: Check out Jake Paul on his ‘first day of jiu-jitsu’

Jake Paul has a boxing match to prepare for next month, but that isn’t stopping him from getting in some MMA training.

In case you haven’t heard, Paul is an MMA fighter now after he signed with the PFL earlier this month. Granted, it might be a while before he steps into the cage and can call himself an actual MMA fighter, but by the looks of it, you can expect him to take this seriously.

On Friday, Paul posted photos and video of his “first day of jiu jitsu,” which you can check out below (via Instagram):

Paul, who is 6-0 as a professional boxer, has a fight coming up Feb. 25 against Tommy Fury. The fact that he’d take time away from boxing training to get in some grappling work is commendable.

It also might mean he doesn’t think too highly of Fury as an opponent.

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