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Braingle’s Daily Trivia Quiz for Nov 10, 2023

An Entertainment > Food and Drink Quiz : Do you have a favourite family recipe, perhaps named after an uncle or a grandmother? Pass it on to others; maybe it will become famous like the foods in this quiz. Eponymous foods are named after a person or a place; see how many of them you know!

1. Named for a British Prime Minister, ____ ____ tea is flavoured with bergamot oil. It was a “hot” item with “The Next Generation”.
2. Who is a Caesar salad named after?
3. John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, was the first person to put meat between slices of bread.
4. What two food companies were named for a real person?
5. Fettuccine _____ is named for an Italian restaurateur. The sauce is made from melted Parmesan cheese and butter.
6. Which of the following does NOT involve a flambé (flame)?
7. A particular area in _____ features in the name of both a chocolate cake and a smoked ham.
8. Which of these is an eponym (named after a person or place)?
9. This dish consists of a fillet of beef coated in paté and wrapped in a puff pastry.
10. This dish consists of sautéed strips of beef served in a sour cream sauce.

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