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Trivia Quiz: “The Princess Bride” – Challenge of Wits – Round 2

Braingle’s Daily Trivia Quiz for Jun 17, 2023

A Movies Quiz : This battle of wits has gone into extra innings. This should challenge even the most dedicated fan of the film. Can you win out?

1. What cliffs do Fezzik and Westley scale?
2. Why did Inigo’s father refuse to give the six-fingered man the sword he asked for?
3. According to Vizzini, where does iocane powder come from?
4. What does Vizzini call Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates?
5. Who is revealed to be the six-fingered man?
6. What is the six-fingered man’s first name?
7. Where is Westley taken after being knocked out by the six-fingered man?
8. What is the highest setting on the six-fingered man’s Machine?
9. What is the miracle pill coated with?
10. According to Miracle Max, when you rush a miracle man, what do you get?
11. When Westley refuses to fight Humperdinck “to the death”, what does Westley suggest instead? “To the ____.”
12. When Westley describes what he will do to Humperdinck, what does he say he will NOT cut off?
13. What is the last spoken line of the film? (Hint: It’s spoken by the Grandfather.)

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