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Braingle’s Daily Trivia Quiz for May 05, 2022

A Literature > Fantasy Quiz : This is a quiz about the book “Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer.

1. Who told Bella that Edward Cullen and his family are vampires?
2. Why did Bella say that she was going to run Tyler over with her truck?
3. The grizzly bear is Emmett’s favorite type of bear.
4. When Edward asks Bella what her favorite gem is, she says topaz because it is the color of Edward’s eyes on that day.
5. When Edward is in Bella’s bedroom at night, what does she mean by saying she needs a human moment?
6. What was James’s special gift?
7. What is Edward’s special gift?
8. What was Alice’s special gift?
9. What is Jasper’s special gift?
10. What was the name of the man that Bella’s mother married?

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